Æstetiseringsformer i politik

Keywords | Nøgleord

Aestheticisation, discursive intervention, political judgement, identity politics, recognition


Nielsen, Henrik Kaare. 2019. “Æstetiseringsformer I Politik”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 19 (december):25-40. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.vi19.3619.

Abstract | Abstract

The article analyses different forms of aestheticisation in the field of political practice. It takes its point of departure in a theoretical elaboration of the concept of aestheticisation, specifically with regard to which status it can reasonably be granted in late modern society. With the concepts of differentiation and discursive intervention as overall frame of reference, the article offers a critical analysis of two prominent types of aestheticisation in contemporary political life: the use of aesthetic appeals by established politicians and mass media, and the role that aesthetic symbols and artefacts play in the practices of identity-political movements. Finally, an alternative approach to integrating aesthetic and political discourse is briefly suggested.
